====== Movies ====== [[https://nextcloud.melm.xyz/s/8LBzf7maq9RXnMW|MELM.XYZ Movie Library]] - My movie library dont expect much bandwidth let me know if something doesn't work. A place what for recommending fine cinema. Link to a good torrent or stream of it if you want. **[[http://melm.xyz:8096/Items/2e3ad5785047b679da6d125e838944e8/Download?api_key=8b5695c5040d47e9a54d7d229252c66e|Cryptozoo (2021) [Full BR-Rip big file]]]** Like if Jurassic Park took too much LSD and had something to say about liberals... I think. If someone watches it sober feel free to let me know what it was about. Most original animation I've seen in a while. **[[http://melm.xyz:8096/Items/67b9c9e7b815513e52e53577a2c59510/Download?api_key=8b5695c5040d47e9a54d7d229252c66e|Strawberry Mansion (2021) [Full BR-rip big file]]]** - A dream tax auditor finally starts to question why his dreams always seem to have fried chicken in them after he has to audit the dreams of an eccentric old lady.